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The youth exchange project named "Later" Means too Late with reference number 2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000120901, of which we are a partner, was held in Vilnius, Lithuania between 24.02.2024-02.03.2024. A total of 6 countries; Lithuania, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Iceland, Italy participated in the project.

The participants, who came together in different cultures, had the opportunity to develop themselves culturally and socially during the project, and at the same time, they became aware of the fact that humans face various impacts such as extreme weather events, changes in wildlife populations, degradation of habitats, sea level rise and that all these changes are a result of heat-trapping greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere as a result of human activities.

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The youth exchange project "Later" Means too Late with reference number 2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000120901, of which we are a partner, applied to Erasmus plus has been accepted. The project will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania from a total of 6 countries, these countries are; Lithuania, Czech, Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Iceland, Italy.

48 participants will be in the project. The project, which is set to be 8 people from each country, is planned to be 8 days in total between 24.02.2024-02.03.2024.

The project aims to make people aware that extreme weather events, changing wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas and a range of other impacts, and all these changes are occurring as mankind continues to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

More information about the project can be found on the Erasmus plus results platform website.

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