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Our joint project was accepted!

Green Behavior Youth Organization

The youth exchange project "Later" Means too Late with reference number 2023-1-LT02-KA152-YOU-000120901, of which we are a partner, applied to Erasmus plus has been accepted. The project will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania from a total of 6 countries, these countries are; Lithuania, Czech, Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Iceland, Italy.

48 participants will be in the project. The project, which is set to be 8 people from each country, is planned to be 8 days in total between 24.02.2024-02.03.2024.

The project aims to make people aware that extreme weather events, changing wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas and a range of other impacts, and all these changes are occurring as mankind continues to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

More information about the project can be found on the Erasmus plus results platform website.



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